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I know that it's traditional to make New Year Resolutions on January 1st but are you sure that the dreariest month of the year is the right time to set yourself new challenges?
There is some sense after a month of over indulgence to have a period of more restraint, but I'm not convinced that a month of cold, damp and short days is the right time to make significant changes to your life, especially when we hover on the edge of another Covid lockdown.
Personally I prefer September 1st as a time for new beginnings. It feels right after summer holidays and more relaxed routines to use the start of the new school year to harness your renewed energy and make some changes. It also helps that you can use the Xmas holiday as a target, so go swimming twice a week/go veggy/get a new hobby until Xmas. That's achievable, and less intimidating than trying to do it for a whole year!
Our toys are made by small producers all around the world who all celebrate in different months.
Chinese New Year. Our knitted dinosaur toys are made by a small production partner in China where the major holiday is Chinese New Year. In 2021 it falls on Feb 12th and it is the Year of the Ox. Billions of Chinese people will make long journeys back home to celebrate with their families and the country almost shuts down for over a week. If you are born in the year of the ox you are thought to be hardworking and calm although they can also be stubborn.
Our organic Scandi style baby toys are made in India where they celebrate the Holi Festival which this year falls on 29th March. It's a festival which celebrates Spring, Love and New Life, and to do this the people take to the streets and sear each other with different coloured paints. A far cry from our dark, short January 1st!
Our organic baby comforters are made in Egypt where again they celebrate a variety of different holidays both secular and religious. Probably the most important religious holiday is Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice) which in 2021 will fall on July 20th. The country celebrates for 4 days and money is given to the poor so all can join in the festivities.
If none of these days suit you as a day to start any New Resolutions then you could use a day where there is a full moon. Both our wooden toys and our natural rubber toys are made in Sri Lanka where they celebrate major Christian holidays such as Easter and Xmas but they also have Buddhist full moon holidays. These days are called Poya Days and usually happen once a month although some months there can be two.
So this year, why don't you leave your New Year Resolutions until later in the year and just be kind to yourself through January. Making positive changes is good but they don't have to make a dreary month worse!
Best Years Ltd