Toys for 1 year old Boy - Whats the best toy to buy?

They may still be babies but toys for 1 year old boys can be great fun way to help you and your baby reach development milestones. Your baby may be taking their first wobbly footsteps and babbling their first words and toys will be part of this exciting process.

Playing is one of the main ways that children learn so buying the right toy for a one year old can help them build their imaginations, social skills and motor skills. If this all sounds a bit serious when all you are trying to do is buy a toy for a one year old's birthday then keep in mind that being One is a lot of fun!

You discover walking and talking and that dropping toys is very funny. At this age babies are very curious and love to explore. They also love simple game playing - there is nothing quite so fun and heart warming as playing Boo with a One Year Old.

Put simply, toys for one year olds are all about exploring, both exploring their senses and exploring their surroundings and the world around them. Toddlers also like to imitate the world around them and what they see adults doing, therefore toys which promote imaginary play can also be good.

So what are the best toys for one year old boy and are they any different to toys for a one year old girl?

In the early months babies form very strong bonds with their mothers, normally to the exclusion of other people. However when a baby starts to crawl they start to establish more of a separation from their mother and starts to play more with their fathers and other adults in their family.

The difference in the way fathers play with their children and the more nurturing and careful approach of the mother figure provides very important learning for babies. The Father Role is one which traditionally enjoys more robust games which encourages their kids both physically and emotionally and provides a healthy balance to family life. For instance pretend fighting is a great way for kids to learn how to control their aggression. It might invariably end in tears but this is great learning for young children (as long as no physical damage is done!!)

You discover walking and talking and that dropping toys is very funny. At this age babies are very curious and love to explore. They also love simple game playing - there is nothing quite so fun and heart warming as playing Boo with a One Year Old.

Put simply, toys for one year olds are all about exploring, both exploring their senses and exploring their surroundings and the world around them. Toddlers also like to imitate the world around them and what they see adults doing, therefore toys which promote imaginary play can also be good.

So what are the best toys for one year old boy and are they any different to toys for a one year old girl?

There is no doubting the benefits of babies having a strong attachment to their father/father figures, it encourages security which in turn leads to a more adventurous out look on life. Research has shown that a strong bond between Father and Son is particularly beneficial to young boys and some experts say can even lead to a higher IQ. Anything which encourages this bond is going to be great.

So the question about buying the right toy for a 1 year old boy actually comes back to what their father likes to play with! Most men are more comfortable playing with cars than dolls, they prefer paints to glitter, and dinosaur toys to a cute bunny. If you buy a toy which the father likes then it is likely to be the right toy for the 1 year old. 

A One year old is still a little young for a football but there are all sorts of toys which would suit more robust play. Interests will vary according to age and other influencing factors but a safe bet for a good toy would be a doll like an astronaut, firefighter or pirate could be a lot of fun for the right parent/child and of course everyone loves dinosaur toys

And all of these toys could be equally as good toys for a 1 year old girl! 

At Best Years we are a toy shop rather than experts on child developers so we would love to hear your thoughts on our Facebook or Instagram pages.








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