What do you call your Dinosaur Teddy? Name ideas for your favourite Dinosaur Toy

The news of the Natural History Museum renaming their Diplodocus to Fern made us think about the names we gave our dinosaur toys. Naming your Dinosaur toy is always an important step in the life of your new dinosaur teddy, and we love to name our dinosaur toys.

A name turns the new dinosaur toy in to a character with their own backstory and personality. A name makes your dinosaur teddy bear feel unique, and it helps differentiate it from your other toys.
Aside from the emotional attachment a name can bring it is also good for a child’s communication and socialisation skills. Most children talk to their toys and give them names as a way to express their own feelings, and practice their social skills.

Names give teddy bears more significance than just being a soft toy. They become friends in your child’s imaginative world.

T Rex – We started our dinosaur toy range with the green T Rex toy which we called Terry because we liked the sound of Terry the T Rex toy, but there were so many other names we could have gone with. Stomp was one we liked, or Mittens, but others included Mite (short for dino-mite), Chomp and obviously Rex.

Stegosaurus. Our stegosaurus toys are called Spike because of the plates on their backs. Other names we considered were Prickle or Cactus, again because of their spikes and Steve or Steph, simply because they began with S and we liked them! 

Triceratops – There was a big debate in the office about our Triceratops toy. We thought that he looked like a Tommy but there was also a strong vote for Trippy. If neither of these appealed then how about Thunder or Parrot/Carrot (because Triceratops have a Parrot like beak…)

Diplodocus – Unlike most of our dinosaur toys there was never really a choice for our Diplodocus toy, it was always going to be Dippy the Diplodocus. Now, I think I might have opted for Tiny because not only were they were huge dinosaurs, but also they had a very small brain, or wonky because their front legs were shorter than their back ones. Or perhaps Geoffrey after another famous long necked animal.

Pterodactyl – Our Pterodactyl toy is called Giles as we thought his long beak made him look posh! We could have used Wings or Swoop since he is our only winged dinosaur, and another option was Pterry.

These are our suggestions for names for your dinosaur teddy but what did you call yours? We’d love to hear your ideas.


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