A gorgeous collection of knitted dinosaur rattles for babies. Suitable from birth and machine washable and environmentally friendly with 100% recycled stuffing,  these baby dinosaur toys are the perfect first toys for babies. Robust, tactile with a lovely rattle they are the perfect newborn baby toys. Dinosaur teddy designs include T Rex rattle, Diplodocus, Triceratops and Woolly Mammoth.

Results 25 - 27 of 27


bold diplo rattle 1200 x

Diplodocus Knitted Dinosaur Rattle Bold Stripe

Knitted baby dinosaur toy - this bold stripe diplodocus dinosaur rattle makes an ideal new baby toy. This sensory baby toy makes an ideal first dinosaur teddy with its soothing rattle sound,

Sales price: £11.99
Untitled design - 2025-02-06T104428.382
Untitled design - 2025-02-06T104452.2728

Diplodocus Knitted Dinosaur Baby Rattle Yellow

This knitted yellow Diplodocus dinosaur baby rattle is a tactile and robust baby toy that is perfect for newborns and young toddlers. The rattle is made of 100% recycled stuffing and is

Sales price: £11.99
Blue tartan diplodocus
Blue tartan diplodocus toy and rattle1

Diplodocus Dinosaur Baby Rattle Blue Tartan

Our bestselling diplodocus dinosaur baby rattle in a splendid blue tartan. Whether you are looking for Scottish themed baby toy or are a fan of tartan, this cotton baby dinosaur toy could be the one

Sales price: £11.99
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