Our eco toy range include sustainable organic cotton toys and sustainable wooden toys, fair trade toys, handmade toys and organic toys.

Results 49 - 52 of 52


Natural rubber red double decker bus baby toy with grey windows and white and black wheels
Natural rubber red double decker bus baby toy with grey windows and white and black wheels

My First Natural Rubber Bus Bath Toy and Teether

3 in 1 toy - Teether, Bath Toy, Toy, Naturally Why settle for plastic toys when our handmade natural rubber red double decker bus toy is so ideal for young babies. Textured, natural and soft it also

Sales price: £12.99
pastel rainbow 1200 x
pastel rainbow packaging

Pastel Fair Trade Wooden Rainbow Boxed

Our pastel wooden rainbow stacker toys are handmade from sustainably sourced wood by a fair trade organisation. They are perfect for open ended play and would make wonderful toddler birthday gifts.

Sales price: £19.99
Wooden Xmas tree puzzle

Wooden Christmas Tree Puzzle - Fair Trade and Handmade

Fair Trade and Handmade our wooden Christmas Tree puzzle is a perfect Christmas Gift for young children. Handmade from sustainably sourced wood and decoration with non-toxic paints in festive

Sales price: £14.99
Untitled design (64)
wooden space tray

Wooden Rocket Solar System Toy

This wooden solar system play set is handmade by a fair trade organisation using sustainably sourced wood. Ideal for imaginative play and for learning about the planets, this play set is bright and

Sales price: £23.99
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